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Category Archives: Society
Embracing Mediocrity
From the “You Can’t make This Up” Department, Time Magazine has a shameless piece working breathlessly to remove any remaining stigma associated with adults who live with their parents in an article titled, “Being 30 and Living With Your Parents … Continue reading
Obama Policies Pushing Democrats to Switch Sides
Yesterday we heard of the defection of Artur Davis, former Representative from Alabama, from the Democrat Party: As I told a reporter last week, this is not Bill Clinton’s Democratic Party (and he knows that even if he can’t say … Continue reading
Posted in Government/Politics, Society
Tagged Democrats, Govt Health Care, Obama, Progressives, Same-Sex Marriage, War on Christianity
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Has the World Gone Mad? (Updated)
First we hear about a naked homeless man eating the face of another naked homeless man in Miami. Now there’s 43-year-old Wayne Carter in Hackensack who stabs himself and throws pieces of his own skin and intestines at officers attempting … Continue reading
Worthing Released
Aaron Worthing, who was arrested earlier after a hearing involving Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin, has been released, based on his tweets: I cant say more until I talk to my lawyer but… i do really need your help right now. … Continue reading
Marriage is an Affront to Homosexuals
Seriously. David Cooley, who is gay, and who owns The Abbey in West Hollywood, was in pain from seeing young women celebrating their upcoming marriages. [Bachelorette] parties celebrate an “offensive heterosexual tradition [that] flaunts marriage inequality in the face of gays and … Continue reading
Posted in Society
Tagged Civility, Progressives, Same-Sex Marriage, Tolerance
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More on Worthing Arrest
Over at FilmLadd: Stacy McCain reports that Aaron Walker has been put into custody for violating a frivolous “Peace Order” filed against him by Brett Kimberlin, the Speedway Bomber. Brett Kimberlin, as you may know, has filed over 100 frivolous … Continue reading
Worthing Arrested
The Other McCain reports: Aaron Walker, whose complaint against convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin became a conservative cause célèbre this past week, was reportedly taken into custody today after a court hearing in Rockville, Maryland. One person who attended the hearing … Continue reading