- Nature.com: “Flat Earthers” actually tend to have a slightly higher level of general scientific knowledge than those who believe in the theory of AGW
- PJ Tattler: Brett Kimberlin’s Wikipedia Page Reappears
- I Own The World: Progressive: EPA fines energy companies for failing to produce magical biofuel that has yet to be invented
- Red State: Veterans support Romney over Obama by 24%
- National Review: Romney Camp: Solyndra’s Not Even Half the Story!
- American Spectator on Brett Kimberlin: Terror by Any Other Name
- Breitbart: Happy Anniversary: Obama Praises Solyndra As ‘True Engine Of Economic Growth’
- Examiner.com: Erick Erickson of RedState targeted in latest ‘SWATting’ attack
- NY Post: Not Worth The Debt – Student Loans: The Ugly Truth
- Daily Beast: Young Voters Are Abandoning Obama—But Not Running to Romney. (Let the uninformed stay home. I’m fine with that.)
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