MSNBC Engages in Romney Assassination Fantasies

Sometimes words fail. From American Thinker:

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir’s featured a witless, embarrassingly crude video segment cutting from the Romney campaign bus to movie clips of exploding busses, apparently to stoke violent viewer fantasies of assassinating the presumptive Republican nominee with a bus bombing.

Yes. Seriously. These are the standard-bearers of civility in American discourse: Blowing up Romney is funny.

If Republicans made the same video depicting Obama’s bus, would the left laugh it up? Hell no. One need only look back a month ago to the Ted Nugent incident when his comment provoked the left’s outrage and initiated a Secret Service investigation. The hypocrisy is so obvious, so blatant, it’s shocking. These people have no shame.

Bush is in office, dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Obama’s in office and dissent is racist. Bush is in office and the debt is going to bankrupt future generations. Obama is in office and the debt is a required investment in America’s future. Bush is in office and Guantanamo must be closed, NOW!!!!. Obama is in office and Guantanamo is a necessary evil. Bush is in office and deficit spending is criminally irresponsible. Obama is in office and deficit spending is necessary to jumpstart the economy. Bush is in office and gas prices are his fault. Obama is in office and even though energy prices will necessarily go up, gas prices are Oil Companies’ fault. Bush is in office and 5.7% unemployment is unbearable, criminal and impeachable. Obama is in office and 8.2% unemployment is better than it could be, so give the guy a break. I can go on and on.

If just one American in 100, no heck make it just 1 in 1,000 feels like I do, and is tired of it and is stepping forward to do something? That means there are well over 300,000 American conservatives just as pissed off and motivated as me to finally act.

And I ask again: What happens when you push good and reasonable people too far?


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