- Syrian rebels claimed to shoot down a fighter jet. Rebels are seen on video supposedly “throwing the bodies of slain government soldiers from the roof of a post office in the northeastern city of Al-Bab,” and Al Qaeda is reorganizing functioning Syrian cells.
- Israel is mulling over an attack on Iran that some are describing as a decision in the final stages while Israel tests their incoming missile early warning system even as Reuters taunts, rhetorically asking, “Are Israelis tough enough for a long war with Iran?” I’d take that bet any day.
- Free speech in Bahrain? Yea, not so much: Man sentenced to two years in jail for defaming one of Muhammad’s wives.
- In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood’s former leader and current Egyptian President Morsi has sacked the military leadership, the only thing keeping Egypt stable, and replaced them with his own people. He’s nullified the military’s constitutional declarations and replaced them with his own that give him broad powers.
- German Muslims are so enthused they’re traveling to Egypt to join in True Islam and make jihad on the infidels.
- In Kashmir, a group calling themselves the “Al-Qaeda Mujahideen” have threatened local women with acid if they are caught without a veil and death for using wireless phones.
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