- Baltimore Sun: Online post about refusal to pay fatal accident claim goes viral – N.Y. man says Progressive refused to pay claim in sister’s Baltimore accident
- Charlotte Observer: Jails, courts bracing for spike in arrests during DNC
- NY Daily News: Homeland Security agent says bias complaints against Department of Homeland Security and Secretary Janet Napolitano ignored
- Washington Examiner: Morning Examiner: Obama’s ‘campaign of hate’
- American Thinker: Beer-Drinking Barack Charms Iowans at the Bud Tent
- DesMoines Register: Owner complains Obama’s beer tent stop cost him $25,000
- Townhall:
- iOwnTheWorld: Rudy Giuliani: Biden lacks ‘mental capacity’ to hold office
- Wall Street journal: The Bedwetter Caucus
- Ed Driscoll: Always the Last to Know
- Breitbart:
- Daily Mail: Good Samaritan faces $600-a-day fine for feeding hungry kids in her neighbourhood
- Washington Post: Young immigrants can apply for Dream Act-like protections starting Wednesday
- Gateway Pundit: John Sununu to Liberal Muppet Soledad O’Brien: “Put An Obama Bumper Sticker On Your Forehead When You Do This!” (Video)
- Daily Caller: Exclusive: Bowles on Ryan: ‘I’m not going to act like I don’t like him’
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