- Fox News: US ambassador to Libya and 3 embassy staff members killed in attack
- USA Today: Amb. Stevens was career diplomat, served in Peace Corps
- Breitbart.com: Obama Camp Condemns Romney Before Condemning Attacks In Egypt, Libya
- Hot Air: Senior administration official: The Cairo embassy’s statement does not reflect the view of the U.S. government; Update: Romney calls embassy statement “disgraceful”
- Denver Post: Romney: Early US response to attacks a disgrace
- Gateway Pundit: On 9-11… The Obama Administration Apologizes to Radical Islamists and Attacks Our Constitutional Rights
- Esquire: What I’ve Learned: Michael Wright
- The Corner: 9/11: The Case for Controlled and Sustained Rage
- The Telegraph: Benjamin Netanyahu: Britain and US ‘have no moral right to prevent Israel acting against Iran’
- Washington Times: LAMBRO: Obama on track to have worst job record since World War II
- Sweetness & Light: AP: No More Threat Of Muslim Extremism
- Buzzfed: US Embassy In Cairo Deletes Controversial Tweets
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