I cynically charge progressives with fomenting their contrived “War on Women” in an effort to manipulate. Well, it would seem Nancy Pelosi is pleased with how the war has progressed. But her reaction is hardly a surprise, given that she was responsible for the Sandra Fluke “testimony” that started this whole episode. She couldn’t have hoped for a better result. Meanwhile America isn’t paying attention, and she knows it:
Pelosi said Wednesday that the gap is a direct result of Romney’s support of the House Republican budget proposal, which she said would affect millions of women because it “ends the Medicare guarantee,” and GOP leaders’ calls for restricting funding for contraception.
Deliberate misdirection. It’s insulting, yet the masses lap it up. They duck behind distaste for the House Budget even as they attack religious freedom, detaching it completely by suggesting it’s a non issue while dismissing anyone who suggests it’s important. Even if you’re atheist, this should strike you as frightening and reckless: When will your beliefs be designated by the state as irrelevant or contrary to the greater good?