Examiner: WaPo’s War on Civility

The Washington Examiner takes off the gloves and devastates the Washington Post:

When Sen. Dick Lugar, R-Ind., lost his primary election, The Washington Post editorial board whined about the “confrontational, partisan attitude” of his opponent. If The Post is really concerned about the growing confrontational partisanship in Washington, then they need to look in the mirror. It is their own long established blatant partisanship that has been poisoning the well in DC for years.

It’s also worth noting that the Examiner hits on the exact reason the right people don’t run for high office:

It puts all Republicans on notice that papers like The Post will devote whatever resources are necessary to highlight every bad rumor from their personal lives. Why was the Republican presidential field so weak this year? Because candidates like Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels refused to expose their families to the casual indifference The Post displays as it destroys lives in pursuit of its goal of electing Democrats.

After all, one need only look at Romney’s (and his wife’s) treatment over the last two weeks versus the vetting that President Obama has NEVER had to undergo. But even the Examiner takes the high road by the end:

The Washington Post is a corporation. As all people do, they have a First Amendment right to spend their money as they see fit. We just ask that they don’t whine when conservatives choose to do the same.

Good luck with that. I thought they’d stop whining back when Obama got elected… see how that turned out.

[Added:] Professor Jacobson weighs in over at Legal Insurrection.

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