Walker “Love Child” Accuser Stands By Discredited Story

From the “They Just Made That Up Dept.,” the National Review has an article highlighting how the left is losing it’s cool in Wisconsin:

Bernadette Gillick is a University of Minnesota professor who has stepped forward through left-wing website Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative (WCMC) and shamelessly accused Governor Scott Walker of fathering a child with her first-year roommate “Ruth” at Marquette University in 1988.

Completely ignoring the fact that the election is tomorrow, the story has issues. First, when contacted, “Ruth” told the WCMC specifically, “I can confirm that it was not Scott Walker who is my daughter’s father.” She believes Gillick is mixing up stories. A likely theory given the paternity case involving “Scott Alan Walker” (the Governor’s middle name is “Kevin”).

Even facing this information, Gillick refuses to make any clarifying statement or apology, allowing the allegation to simply float. With a straight face, her lawyer delivered:

“I’m not a political activist; she’s not a political activist. There was certainly no strategy involved. It was something she told family and friends based on her personal experience; they encouraged her, and there was no consultation with any political committee or anything like that.”

With the election Tuesday? It’s all just a coincidence? No strategy, coordination or consultation? Hoo boy, you crazy wingnuts.

But that’s not all. Lighting the match isn’t your issue if someone else throws it into the gasoline. You can’t help what someone else did with it, right?

“I don’t see a problem with a person being able to make statements about her knowledge of a public figure,” her lawyer, Michael Fargione says. “What happens with that statement is outside of her control.”

Embarrassing. Desperate. Pathetic. Obvious.

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