Heads Are Popping All Over

From the Daily Kos: I’m F*cking Pissed:

I’m fucking pissed, and I’m not going to take it anymore.  I have just sat down and shut up my whole life until I’m backed into a corner, and I feel like I am being backed into a corner now.  I feel like I’ve sat back and watched the Tea Party just freaking take over state after state.  States like Wisconsin, where there are so many Democrats are being taken over by freaking tea baggers.

“The Nephew” is upset, no? Well, I can’t blame him. I’d be pissed, too, if my ideology were exposed as an utter failure when put into practice in the real world. I’d be even more pissed if someone rubbed my face in it, like Moe Lane at RedState:

I would like to offer these words of comfort. When you progressive/liberal/Democratic activists look back on your quest to begin the Wisconsin recall movement, I want you to appreciate the amazing amount of work that you spent on it. You called. You networked. You wrote letters and blog posts. You contributed to opposition groups. You reached out, and found people just like you, and you banded together to fight. You marched, and you stormed the state capital, and you were arrested.  And you kept going, and calling, and struggling, and you put your time, your money, and every atom of your being on the line. For some of you, this was your finest moment. You fought for this. You fought so hard for this.

Oddly enough, I didn’t do any of that, but I won anyway. That’s because you suck, and I don’t.

Well, I didn’t say that they were words of comfort for you.

All that effort, time, money and emotion. It was your finest moment! And the voters told you to STICK IT. You did everything right, and you still lost. “The Nephew” didn’t like that. Not. One. Bit.

Well you know what Moe?  YOU FUCKING SUCK.  You are the exact epitome of the Republican mindset in this country today.  You want yours at the expense of everybody else’s.  Oh, and when you get yours you fucking laugh in our faces.  You haven’t won shit without pouring millions of dollars into it first.  Mitt Romney is a fine example of a Republican.  He can’t win without millions upon millions of dollars to tear down people.  Well I am going to fucking stand up right now and say NO MORE.

NO MORE OF THIS SHIT.  Tomorrow morning, I am going to call/visit/stalk/whatever I have to do to volunteer for President Obama and other Democrats in North Carolina.  I felt demoralized until I read that comment from Moe Lane.  Not anymore.  Instead, I say fuck it.  If I lose every damn fight for the rest of my life, at least I will die trying.

Uhhmmm… Do you get the feeling that he didn’t even read what Mo wrote? Be that as it may, PLEASE STAND UP! Get out and talk! Make your positions known. Be honest and tell people, everyone you can. Get involved. Be passionate. The more people who know you, the better!


[Added:] It should be noted that “The Nephew” feels backed into a corner. I know how he feels. It’s why I started this blog, in fact. However, dipshit feels backed into a corner by the results of a democratic election that he lost. I, on the other hand, was backed into a corner by a small but vocal segment of our population that uses Political Correctness and words like “Tolerance” and “Civility” as weapons to silence me. Two quick examples:

  • When Bush is in Office, dissent is the highest form of patriotism. When Obama goes into office, dissent is racist.
  • When the Tea Party forms, they’re violent racist astroturf. Occupy Wall Street, with it’s attendant vandalism, rapes, murder and crime, is a peaceful organic movement.
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3 Responses to Heads Are Popping All Over

  1. arnonerik says:

    What the left needs to realize is that in a system that decides candidates by the public voting that they need a majority to win. If they don’t have a majority they have to work to convince others to support their cause.
    Instead, they try to intimidate people.
    Americans do not like being bullied or pushed. You can shout me down and call me foul names but that won’t win my vote. I will dig in my heels and fight back because I am a free man and I won’t allow you take that away from me.
    They have two big problems besides that.
    First, their whole ideolougy is based on lies and can’t stand the light of day. It appeals to the basest motives of people and it is built on fantisies. I have too much faith in my fellow citizens, in their basic goodness and powers of logic and reason, to believe that the Left will ever have a majority of Americans agree with them without coercion.
    Their second problem is their own successes. Not satisfied with victory, they have over-reached by making continuous, excessive and unfair, demands on the rest of us.
    We gave them an inch, but now they want it all, even to the point of telling us we can’t order more than 16 ounces of soda pop.
    They have aroused a sleeping giant in the Tea Party. We are just common Americans who, seeing where this is headed, will not rest until the Left has been removed from the levers of power and influence.

  2. It’s worth commenting on the fatigue factor. Just speaking for myself, I didn’t have Bush fatigue as much as anti-war fatigue and anti-Bush fatigue. When the election was heating up, I remember thinking, “At least if Obama wins, we’ll have some peace and quiet for a few years.” But as you mentioned they took an inch and they wanted it all. I’m still fatigued… Appreciate you stopping by and commenting!

  3. arnonerik says:

    I can appreciate your desire for rest but these people are relentless. They don’t give up Instead they retreat and if they have, they go underground and re-group. We can defeat them only with total victory or by constant vigilence. We probably will have to settle for the latter and that will only work until we forget ( that’s probably one generation tops since it is mostly their guys who write the history books).

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