Media Pushes “Neo Nazi Patrols” Rumor Re: Trayvon

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection:

In what has become a prime example of media malpractice, none of the major publications spreading the rumors bothered to check with local law enforcement.  I did, and the Sanford Police deny any indication of neo-Nazi patrols.

Distillation: Skinhead makes phone call. Media pounces, thankful that skinhead can’t be a Democrat. Or black. Stories of goose stepping patrols hit the papers. Jeff Schoep is what the media wanted George Zimmerman to be. Except the police don’t know anything about it.

It almost gives the impression that there is a coordinated effort underway by the mainstream media to deliberately and dishonestly slant stories and mislead Americans in an attempt to stoke the flames of this “racial crisis.” Almost.

No. That would just be nuts!

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