Gingrich Attacks Fox News

Newt Gingrich made some comments critical of how Fox News has covered his campaign. I suppose he’s being genuine when he suggests that Fox was tougher on him than Romney. But as a former Fox employee, and knowing how Fox is already attacked for their “imbalance,” he had to expect cool treatment. Unless he was assuming favoritism.

Personally, understanding Gingrich’s position (solid 3rd from the get go), why would they treat him with kid gloves? But his contention is that Rupert Murdoch manipulated things behind the scenes because he’s a Romney man. Seriously. Gingrich is pushing the Fox manipulation schtick. Why not go whole Hillary and rail against the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy(tm) while you’re at it, Newt?

It gets a bit stranger, however, when he starts discussing George Will. It seems that the former Speaker believes Will is jealous of him. Even if Gingrich believes that, it’s a breathtaking lapse in judgement to let it fly out of your mouth. We already have a President who believes he is above the rest of us, the unwashed masses. Look how that’s working out for us. In this humble squirrel’s opinion Gingrich’s comments are embarrassing and he needs to realize it’s time to end his campaign.

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