Rosen Apologizes for Comments Towards Ann Romney

From CNN:

Hilary Rosen issued a statement after fellow Democrats, including a Twitter post on Michelle Obama’s page, criticized her remarks the night before on CNN.

“I apologize to Ann Romney and anyone else who was offended,” said the statement by Rosen, who is a CNN contributor. “Let’s declare peace in this phony war and go back to focus on the substance.”

In a later interview on CNN, Rosen said she “should not have chosen words that seemed to attack Ann Romney’s “choice in life” and that she hoped Mrs. Romney “understands I didn’t mean it personally,” adding “I was trying to talk about economic issues.”

It is notable that Rosen correctly suggests that we should declare peace in this “Phony War.” Easy to say when you’re a foot-soldier with a bayonet at your throat.

[Added:] Hilary, please call Nancy and tell her to declare peace in in this phony war. Think of the children.

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