On Nugent

There’s a powerful undercurrent of frustration and anger in America today. It was truly palpable during the second term of the Bush Administration when the anti-war movement was hitting its crescendo. I remember actually being relieved that Obama had been elected. Can you believe that? I had assumed that when Obama came into office, that progressives and the left would quiet down and let the rest of us have a little peace.

Then came Stimulus, the Tea Party and ObamaCare and Occupy. And conservatism is more evil than ever. Today things are more shrill than they were in ’04-’08. As liberal after liberal can slime conservatives with impunity, any conservative that even makes a comment that can even remotely be taken as objectionable is immediately and viciously attacked.

When Nugent said:

We’re Americans because we defied the king. We didn’t negotiate or compromise with the king. We defied the emperors. We are patriots. We are Braveheart.

We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. Any questions?

He was being rhetorical. Does anyone seriously think that the above statement was intended to suggest that Ted Nugent wants to get on a horse, ride to the White House in November and behead the President of the United States? Only if you’re a liberal. To the rest of America that’s simply insulting. But here comes the Secret Service.

The battlefield is this election season. And cutting off the head means electoral victory in the White House, along with taking the Senate, and maintaining conservative control of the House. And THAT is what the left really objects to. A firebrand conservative, like Palin or Breitbart to energize Republicans; remind Americans of the consistent failures of this administration, the broken promises, the relentless class warfare; provide a strong, honest vision of conservatism and describe the bright future that republicans want everyone to enjoy, regardless of political affiliation or skin color or socioeconomic group. That would be a disaster, wouldn’t it?

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