Obligatory Olbermann Post

Current TV and Host Keith Olbermann parted ways today. In his twitter statement Olbermann apologized for the failure of network Current TV, suggested there is pending legal action and went on to say that Countdown, his show, had never been better. He closed the statement by stating that joining Current TV “was a sincere and well-intentioned gesture on my part, but in retrospect a foolish one.”

Whatever you say, Keith. Your show rocks. The network sucks. You just wanted to help. They’re all out to get you. We get it.

Exit question: Now that Olbermann is questioning Al Gore’s ethics, what are Keith’s thoughts on Gore’s pet, Global Warming?

Iowahawk tweets: If you’ve been fired from your last 3 jobs and replaced with Skip Bayless, Al Sharpton and Eliot Spitzer, it’s time to rethink things.

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