Post-Memorial Day Wrap-Up

The Clinton Memo

There was some criticism of my posting for Memorial Day. Bill Clinton’s internal memo from 2000 wasn’t exactly compelling. But I felt it was appropriate given our seemingly sharp diversion from the meaning and purpose of the holiday. All weekend long I read and heard statements of gratitude to our active military and veterans. But Memorial Day, specifically, is:

one day of national awareness and reverence, honoring those Americans who died while defending our Nation and its values.

Memorial Day isn’t Veterans’ Day. I support my military. I feel extraordinary gratitude towards veterans. But on Memorial Day, it’s about the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for my freedom and way of life.

Progressive Humor Speaks Volumes

On Memorial Day morning after enjoying a round of golf with my self-decribed “dyed in the wool progressive” buddy, we’re walking to the parking lot when he declared,

This Memorial Day I’ll be honoring those doctors that gave 4-f’s to draft dodgers.

Seriously. Vile.

I changed the subject, quickly, certain that any sort of response would have been met with, “Sheesh, Darth. Lighten up and get a sense of humor, you wingnut. I was just kidding.”

Relaxing Weekend?

In Friday’s sign-off post, I may have mentioned something about avoiding yard work over the weekend. Yea, relaxation failed. We took on a pretty massive project that involved placing nearly 100 cement blocks, moving 9 yards of top soil, planting approximately 50 flowers, herbs, shrubs and bushes, and plumbing the irrigation to all of them. I think I broke my back.

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