The Heart of Our Disagreements – Revisited

When I started the blog I wrote a quick piece to discuss my thoughts on why conservatives and liberals don’t see eye to eye. On the About page I mention that :

At the heart of our disagreements lie fundamental differences in how we perceive life and the human condition. This perception impacts our views on everything from the family to religion to economics to climate change to world politics.

And in the first piece on our disagreements I continued:

A liberal / progressive concludes that people are inherently weak and require government assistance. Conservatives believe people are inherently strong, and given the opportunity will find their own path and prosper.

Last week President Obama went to Vermont to campaign and he said something to a group of supporters that fits the discussion perfectly. When speaking about conservatives, he said:

Their philosophy is simple: You are on your own. You’re on your own. If you are out of work, can’t find a job, tough luck, you’re on your own. You don’t have health care, — that’s your problem — you’re on your own.  If you’re born into poverty, lift yourself up with your own bootstraps even if you don’t have boots. You’re on your own. They believe that’s their — that’s how American [sic] has advanced. That’s the cramped, narrow conception they have of liberty. And they are  wrong. (Applause.) They are wrong.

Isn’t that pathetic? The very idea that humans are masters of their own fate is so alien to this man that he can not imagine it being anything but a sign of hatred and hard-heartedness. But does a parent hate their child when they let go and baby takes those first steps? Baby is on his own, after all. He may fall, and may cry. But parent is watching and soon baby will be walking all over the place, on his own. Is that wrong?! The analogy applies to school, business, family… life.

If you’re so weak and helpless that you can not make your way, you can not learn, you can not earn, you can not contribute, and you sincerely require assistance, there are safety nets and charitable organizations to help you (I know, I donate to them and volunteer). If you want to, if you have the desire, you can become educated, you can learn skills, you can get ahead. But the question is to each of us as an individual: Do you want to become self-sufficient? God I would hope every American would without hesitation say, “Yes!”

I don’t want to live with my parents. I don’t want to live in government housing. I don’t want to rely on charity or other authorities for food assistance. I want to choose my own employer, do my own work, make my own decisions, earn my own living and live my own life. And I want to answer to myself alone. This is called “Freedom” and “Self-determination.” Also known as being “on your own.”

Does that seem so cramped and narrow a vision of liberty to you?

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