Krauthammer on the War on Women

The White House has announced a “National Women’s Issues Conference” on April 27 – 28. Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer responded to the obvious ploy that exploits the Catholic Church’s faith objection versus the requirements of the Health Care law:

“According to Jay Carney, it has nothing at all to do with the election. They actually think they can say that and do it with a straight face and get away with it. I mean, all the administrations use taxpayer money to promote themselves in an election year. But this is pretty shameless and over-the-top.”

“Notice how when the president said, ‘This is about a wide range of issues. It isn’t just about’ — and what’s the one thing he named immediately? Contraception. Of course it is about contraception,” Krauthammer said. “It’s because of the way it was handled and the media covered it — it became all of a sudden a war on the women, which is a complete invention.”

By deliberately misdirecting citizens on the issue, the wedge separating Americans is only driven further between us.

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