Media Buries Fiscal Impact of Obamacare

Ace has a posting taking the Washington Post to task for burying a story on the defecit increasing nature of Obamacare.

a central selling point of ObamaCare — that it will reduce the deficit — is a lie, or, to put it less harshly, completely wrong, and that the critics were right — it will increase the deficit.

And the Washington Post thinks that’s an A3 story, at best?

And they worry about the reaction from “partisan” critics? What is the fear? That partisan critics will shout out, “We were right!”?

Well, uh, why shouldn’t partisan critics shout out “We were right”? We were.

Is this too much for the Washington Post to admit?

Of course it is.

As usual, Ace cuts to the bone Re: The Narrative:

Why is every terrorist story underplayed, at least after the media can no longer pin it on a Tea Partier? They are afraid of what their fellow childlike, incompetent readers will think, and what they will do. So they have to make sure you mentally-retarded ward-of-the-state adults don’t do anything rash.

Ditto every story involving a black criminal. You can’t possibly handle that information; you didn’t go to the right colleges. Only if you are educated to the media’s satisfaction can you be trusted with a story about black criminals.

This isn’t even restricted to news — the media’s strong belief that it is the Thin Black and White Line between semi-retarded barbarians from Idiocracy and civilization is present in films and fictions, too.

It’s obvious. It’s insulting. My favorite bit:

It’s also called “being condescending” and “making infantile, bad art,” but they prefer “being responsible.”

The media will die, and it deserves to die.

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One Response to Media Buries Fiscal Impact of Obamacare

  1. Steve says:

    We have Video of Space Shuttle Discovery’s final flight over Washington D.C posted now on Common Cents….

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