Remembering Andrew

The following is the Complete Transcript of Andrew Breitbart’s Speech at CPAC 2012 (emphasis mine):

[Added:] Video at Youtube

I’m looking for you, you Occupy Freaks with your glitter bombs. Bring it on! Bring on the glitter.

Everything has changed. Everything has changed in the last few years. Conservatives used to take it and we’re not taking it anymore.

Just today as I was planning one of my stupid, silly, funny tricks, I didn’t have to because I got word when I was doing a radio show today that 200 of us went out to the Occupy people to stand toe-to-toe with them to say we don’t – we are here and we’re proud to be conservative and we’re not going to take your – (pause)

I didn’t say it. I’m on TV right now. I’m a respectful conservative and my Mom is watching.

It’s over. It’s over. Right now my twitter feed is already calling me a big fat homosexual. Hello, children at home. No, your Dad’s not gay. That’s how the left rolls. Everybody asks me why do you retweet? Why do you do that? I can’t tell you how many people I admire – in fact, there’s almost no one in the world who I respect more that Hugh Hewitt, and he took me aside the other day and he said, “I don’t think you should be doing that, Andrew. I don’t think you should be doing that.”

Well, Professor Hewitt, on this issue I disagree. Because they’ve held over our heads, with contempt, the false narrative of their innate tolerance. The least tolerant people you will ever meet in your entire lives. I know it. I live it every single day. And I retweet it to remind them that I know exactly who they are.

This next race, over the next year – everybody asked me, by the way, to come here to speak about tolerance, I’ll ge- and uh unity. I’ll get to that a little bit later – because this is my war cry for 2012.

You need to join me in this war against the institutional left. This is not your Mother’s Democratic Party. Duh. Duh. John Podesta, George Soros, this is not your Mother’s Democratic Party, either.

You know whose party it is? Well, just this Sunday thanks to Tucker Carlson (Thank you, Tucker) I had the chance of a lifetime to spend an enchanting evening with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn. A Super Bowl party from hell. People said on twitter, conservatives, “You’re palling around with terrorists!” I’m like, well, if I’m palling around with terrorists, I’m not the best house guest. Because I’m still going to destroy everything that they stand for. Even though Bill Ayers is the best damn cook I’ve ever experienced in my entire life.

You have no idea how good his succulent ribs were. The butternut squash, uh, the carrot with a hint of ginger soup was extraordinary. The white fish. The selections of wine at this dinner. I had dinner with the one percent, my friends. Bill and Bernadine Dorn. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were charming. I mean that. You were. But then again, so was Ted Bundy. So it doesn’t really mean that much in the whole scheme of things.

And I have a thesis about who we’re fighting against. This is the hard left. This is – I thought when I graduated from college in 1991, I thought that that ponytail that I left in my humanities class, that silver ponytail, was just going to retire in the Shady Acres of academia and go on. I had no idea that these people were absolutely serious about the malarkey that they were teaching me. The post-structuralist politically correct garbage.

Unfortunately in 2004, the radical left basically did a coup-de-tat of the Democratic Party and basically kicked a person that four years before was called the standard-bearer of decency in the Democratic Party and that was Joe Lieberman. That was over. That was the end of the Democratic Party and after the 2010 election cycle the DLC went under. It’s over. There’s no such thing as a moderate democrat.

And so what do we get now, in Barack Obama? Well, I’ve got videos by the way. This election we are going to vet him. I’ve got videos. This election we are going to vet him from his college days to show you… why… to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008. The videos are going to come out. The narrative is going to come out that Barack Obama met a bunch of silver ponytails back in the 1980s, like Bill and Bernadine Dorn, who, equally radical, said “One day we’re going to have the Presidency.” And the rest of us slept while they plotted, and they plotted, and they plotted, and they oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in the Annenburg Challenge, and they had real money from real capitalists… who gave it on to their children, and their children’s children and then they become communists. We gotta work on that. We gotta work on that. That’s a parenthesis.

Barack Obama is a radical. We should not be afraid to say that. OK? And Barack Obama was launched from Bill and Bernadine’s salon. I’ve been there. It became a self-evident truth to me that there’s zero chance that this incredible chef did not cook many a meal for Barack Obama. Don’t tell me ABC, CBS and NBC I don’t have the uh – that I can’t posit that theory. Because it’s a self-evident truth. Just like it was a self-evident truth that he was with Jeremiah Wright. And just as it’s a self-evident truth that when he was at Harvard, he was advocating for the worst of the worst to join the faculty. Radicals. Radicals at Beirut on the Charles. And that is who is in the White House? And that’s who is outside right now telling you you don’t have a right to be here. And who would squelch your free speech just as easily as they do at Harvard, Vassar, Yale, Wesleyan… They’re a bunch of totalitarian freaks.

And they pal around with our friends in the mainstream media. I always thought that the people in the media lean to the left. I always thought that my neighbors in the media leaned to the left. But when they act like a provost at a politically correct university and tell people to “Shut up,” I don’t think that they’re – no longer can they be called objective journalists. They’re playing for the other side. They’ve been part of demonizing good and decent people. They tried to defeat the Tea Party and when they failed, just like their desire to create a Rush Limbaugh and it failed at Air America, they want what they can’t have and they try to recreate it. They wanted their Tea Party and what did they create? They created the Occupy Movement. What is the Occupy Movement, you ask? “It’s a natural, organic group of people. You’ve never seen these people before in your life.”

Wait a sec! These exact people protested against you at the GOP welcoming committee in 2008 and two of them were arrested for planting Molotov co – for trying to use Molotov cocktails against the police. The radicals against the police. The radicals against you. Exactly like Occupy. The same exact people. These are the same exact people that organized Camp Casey at Crawford. That was Occupy Crawford. These are the same exact people that went down the highway at the exact time at the end of the summer when Katrina happened. That was Occupy New Orleans. It’s the same radicals. They’ve been in your life since Senator Obama became part of your vocabulary.

They are at war with you. And they attack you and they throw eggs at you. And guess what? The media looks the other way. You’re domestic terrorists, you know. Janet Napolitano warned me about that. Yet when this group are merged, what happened? They exhibited traits that – I’ll probably get “Worst Person of the Year” on a certain show… I don’t even think that certain show exists anymore so that’s a dated joke – these people… they drive me a tad mad.

Bernadine Dorn, as we ended our dinner said something very important. Because she kept talking about the anti-war movement. Another parenthesis, she also said she listens to ESPN’s Mike and Mike. End Parenthesis. Take that what you will. And this is my thesis: The Anti-War Movement was never about anti-war. It was a Saul Alinsky Community Organizing tool to get Barack Obama and the left elected. It went away immediately. And the mainstream media created a narrative called “The Story of the Year.” Time Magazine. That they want – tell you the true story of what happened.

This is exactly the anti-war movement. How do I know this? If I tell that to ABC, CBS and NBC they say, “That’s a conspiracy theory. This is just a bunch of organic people. There’s no organization going on.” Even though we have the e-mails to prove it. Or the undercover videos of Natasha Leonard from the New York Times orchestrating with the radicals. “Oh, that didn’t mean anything.” It did mean a lot actually.

Bernadine Dorn told me while at our lovely dinner, when I was snarkily pointing out to her, “What ever happened to the anti-war movement?” And she let loose an affirmation of everything I know to be true. She says, “Well that’s not true. It’s more or less that’s what Occupy is.” That’s exactly what it is. The mainstream media refuses to tell you that these are the same shock troops that have been shocking us, pointing their fingers at us, trying to instigate riots with the police. These people are the definition of un-American.

So you want a unity speech. You want a unity speech I’ll give you a unity speech. I don’t care who our candidate is. And I haven’t since the beginning of this. I haven’t. Ask not what the candidate can do for you, ask what you can do for the candidate. And that’s what the Tea Party is. We are there to confront them on behalf of our candidate. I will march behind whoever our candidate is because if we don’t we lose.

There are two paths. There are two paths. One is America. And the other one is Occupy. One is America. The other one is Occupy. And I don’t care… along the way, along the way, along the way… and I’m not a candidate, I’m never going to be a candidate. I’m just a goofball from Los Angeles who wears goofy shoes, promised people I would shave… didn’t. Promised I’d take a shower… I got too caught up talking to everybody. And here I am, kind of a mess, but kind of excited to be here. Because over the last three years the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement is not what ABC and CBS puts on the screen. They try to portray you in the worst possible light. And when I walk through CPAC or I travel the United States to meet people in the Tea Party who care?

Black, white, gay, and straight, anyone that’s willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker. And if you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with this candidate? More than shame on you. You’re on the other side.

Thank you. Thank you.

I’m just going to tell you right now, I want to end it on a media bashing note because that will uplift me, like a Dione Warwick final rendition.

We’re watching you to play the race card, MSNBC. We saw how you cynically placed the Reverend Sharpton in a position of absurdest power. This is Dada-ism, I learned that in college, that they would allow for this guy to have a show. This is Dada-ism. It’s freaky. It’s Andy Kauffman. It doesn’t make sense. Unless you understand what they’re doing. This is going to be the dog-whistle election cycle. They tested him in 2011 so he and his pal Toure and that punk Tim Jacob Wise, and Ed, and Maddow can sit there and call everyone racist, “I hear it! I used is instead of are! He’s a racist! That’s a dog whistle!” Ignore it when Congressman Rand does it against Allen West. No more! We’re going to go after you.

I bought a dog whistle. I bought a dog whistle factory and I’m giving you dog whistles. And we’re going to listen to every word that comes out of your mouth and we’re going to hold you to the same standard that you hold us, which is an impossible one. And you’re going to have a hell of a time in 2012, because America has finally awoken to your Saul Alinsky bullshit tactics and we’re coming to get you.

Thank you very much.

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