Robinson Doubles Down: Civility for Thee, But Not for Me

Eugene Robinson has a particularly polarizing and divisive piece up at the Washington Post. After the anti-war movement and the left spent 6 years vilifying and threatening GW Bush, after the left viciously attacked Sarah Palin, after the media parroted the progressive meme that the Tea Party are terrorists, Robinson analyzes the current situation thusly:

Not all overheated political rhetoric is alike. Delusional right-wing crazy talk — the kind of ranting we’ve heard recently from washed-up rock star Ted Nugent and Tea Party-backed Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) — is a special kind of poison that cannot be safely ignored.

Let me be clear: I’m saying that the extreme language we hear from the far right is qualitatively different from the extreme language we hear from the far left — and far more damaging to the ties that bind us as a nation. Tut-tutting that both sides should tone it down is meaningless. For all intents and purposes, one side is the problem.

Once again, the tolerant progressives ignore the facts on the ground, vilify the opposition and  explain that that their extreme language is A-OK because, well, they are right. So, “Shut up, Republicans!”

What was it Andrew Breitbart said? Oh yes:

they’ve held over our heads, with contempt, the false narrative of their innate tolerance. The least tolerant people you will ever meet in your entire lives. I know it. I live it every single day.

no longer can they be called objective journalists. They’re playing for the other side. They’ve been part of demonizing good and decent people.

They are at war with you. And they attack you and they throw eggs at you. And guess what? The media looks the other way. You’re domestic terrorists, you know.

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