DHS Ammo Fact (Updated)

I don’t know about you, but the news of continuing DHS purchases of ammo continue to disturb me. While my local dealers have seen a few AR rifles trickle in over recent months, they are purchased in minutes. Meanwhile, ammunition is virtually unavailable as we hear about DHS purchasing 1.6 billion rounds.

DHS employs 240,000 employees according to their website and they even provide a handy Org Chart to see for yourself who is included:

  • Border Patrol / Customs
  • Citizenship / Immigration
  • Coast Guard
  • FEMA
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement
  • Secret Service
  • TSA

That’s a serious list, and I didn’t include the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

So did you do the math?

If every single DHS employee is a sworn and armed federal officer (and they’re not), that’s 6,600 rounds for every single employee.

Meanwhile none of the rest of us can get ammo.

[Added:] The NRA disagrees with me:

“more than a few NRA members would use that much ammunition in a weekend shooting class or plinking session.” There are enough risks to the right to bear arms and to American liberty in general, the NRA continued, without “inventing threats.”

I have two problems with the NRA’s non-response. First, when I was a LEO, ammo was very carefully distributed for range activity. We received 50 rounds twice a year, and we weren’t allowed to use duty ammo (JHP), we used wadcutters. And second, if the volume of ammo is an “invented threat”, simply prove it: How much ammo did DHS purchase annually over, say, the last decade? Are they buying the same amount this year as they did last year, and the year before, and the year before?

I can appreciate the NRA’s sensitivity to the scarcity of firearms and attacks on the second amendment. But brushing off very real perceptions with seemingly uninterested non-answers suggesting invented threats is disgraceful and insulting.

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Quote of the Week

Our uncles and fathers turned the Empire of the Sun and Third Reich into cinders in four years, and this generation is all wee-weed up over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. – Pat Buchanan

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The Fruits of Victimhood

Reuters has a piece up highlighting the continuing “gun violence plaguing the city” of Chicago and including a plea from Jesse Jackson to President Obama to come and address the issue, because “when the president shows up, it shows ultimate national seriousness.” Jackson is also quoted saying, “My greatest fear about the gun violence in Chicago is that we’re adjusting to it.” According to the story, he also called for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help patrol the streets of Chicago. The article quotes Anita Crittenden, who lost a nephew to gun violence last year, saying that Obama, by coming to Chicago, would “get the leaders to think and step up and make some changes.”

The article ends with:

Not everyone participating in the march agreed that Obama should come home. Matthew McGill said the president should address the violence issue, but need not single out Chicago, “because what you see in Chicago happens in other cities as well.”

What a bleak worldview. Gun Violence plagues the city. Lost a nephew to gun violence. We’re getting used to it. Get the leaders to listen, step up and make changes. Call in the national troops. And, of course, it’s bad other places, too.

It’s hard to know where to begin because these sad bastards are screwed up in SO MANY WAYS. They’ve been so marinated in victimhood they are completely paralyzed. They don’t even see murder for what it is; they see “Gun Violence.” Anita’s nephew wasn’t murdered; he was lost. And it’s not for us to protect our families, our homes, our neighborhoods or our schools. Nope. Let’s get George Bush to fix it because seriousness.

Did I say George Bush? Oops. Everyone knows that that criminal buffoon couldn’t help even if he wanted to. And he doesn’t want to. Because warmonger. But Obama the lightbringer? His mere presence will end the “Plague of Gun Violence.” And I’m racist for calling him Chicago Jesus, FFS.

Really, can you imagine Jesse Jackson asking George W Bush to deploy Homeland Security troops into Chicago to patrol the streets?! But here we are, right now, in Obama’s Bizarro World where previously inconceivable evil has become a desirable solution to our problems. After all, the Constitution is old and irrelevant and the suspension of certain rights for all our good is for all our good. See? It’s so simple.

Ban guns. America becomes Chicago. The helpless throngs of unarmed, law-abiding citizens helpless victims cry for “action.” Our leaders call for troops as evidence of seriousness. And we all suddenly awake to the reason why Homeland Security requisitioned tens of thousands of military rifles and more ammo than has been fired in the entire Afghanistan War. What could go wrong?

A final thought. Jackson laments, “My greatest fear about the gun violence in Chicago is that we’re adjusting to it.” No shit, huh Sherlock? According to ABC7 Chicago is now in a far more violent state than when there were no gun control laws at all and Al Capone was in charge of the mob. You took all the guns away from the law-abiding and instantly turned them into victims. And now you act surprised that these same helpless fools have normalized the violence? You de-stigmatize murderers and criminals while you stigmatize firearms and threaten their legal owners. Which leads us to today, when the sociopaths have control and are the only ones with guns. What did you expect, Jesse?

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Freedom: A Difficult Concept

Neil Heslin was the Sandy Hook father who wasn’t heckled during emotional testimony on gun control. Something he said stood out to me because it’s a shallow reframing of the argument I’m hearing more and more often (emphasis mine):

We don’t need these weapons on the street or in our homes. We don’t. And I ask everybody to think about it, and everybody in this room, whether you’re in favor of guns or in favor of banning them, to try to work together and come up with reasonable changes that work.

“In favor of guns or in favor of banning them.” FFS. This is why we can’t have nice things.

I’m NOT “in favor of guns” at all. But I’m very much in favor of freedom, specifically as outlined in the founding documents of our nation.

This “discussion” we’re having as a nation comes down to a simple choice: Either you’re in favor of freedom or you’re in favor of banning it.

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Through The Looking Glass

So the other night over dinner, my Dad abruptly asks, “Why aren’t you writing new articles for your blog?” It caught me off guard because I didn’t know that the old man even knew of the blogs existence, much less that he’d ever read it. And I didn’t really have an answer at the ready.

“Uhmmmmm… welll… ” I started hesitantly. “I’m just too pissed off generally speaking to write, lately.”

“Too pissed off?” he asked. “You’re a Darth. What does that even mean?”

“Dad I’m so angry that I don’t even have any humor left. I mean, usually I can at least pepper my articles with funny snark and sophomoric bits here and there that at least break the angst into tasty little bite-size pieces. But things have gone so far off the rails, my snark tank is empty and the angry adult in my head is shoving the sophomore’s face into the toilet.”

“Oh come on, Malthus,” he smiled. “It’s not that bad. Look, the sun still rises, the sky’s still blue and the world keeps on turning. Maybe you need to ignore Washington for a while.”

“Yea, I agree Gaia is fine. But Washington isn’t the issue. The focus of my concern is bigger: The destruction of the American psyche.”

“Oh, boy. Here we go…” he exhaled, already sounding a bit exasperated.

“OK, let me give you just one example of why America is becoming a psychotic nation: Planned Parenthood performs an abortion every 96 seconds, according to their own data from 2011. That’s 328,500 abortions per year and 900 every single day, OK? Meanwhile we have a shooting at an elementary school that kills nearly 30 one day. So our reaction as a nation? Those 30 lives are so important and their deaths such a tragedy that we should give up an inalienable, constitutional right. Meanwhile, the end of 900 unborn babies each day is not important and not a tragedy so nothing need be done because it is a woman’s personal health issue. That’s dissonant; it’s a schism. The numbers are a startling commentary on our sociopathic disconnection as a culture.”

“Sociopathic disconnection as a culture? Really?” he asked sarcastically.

“What I’m saying is, life is either important or it isn’t. If abortion numbers aren’t horrifying, why is the victim count from Sandy Hook? If Sandy hook is indeed tragic, how can we ignore the 900 babies lives lost every day? Because they’re only fetal tissue? Seriously? That’s a schism. And we’ve raised generations of Americans who have integrated this schism into their worldview without a second thought.”

“OK,” he replied. “So what?”

“So people don’t even think, Dad. There’s no critical evaluation, no questioning, nothing deeper than impulse. People aren’t even honest with themselves inside their own heads. People don’t want to face the tough questions or the uncomfortable analysis. They just want to live their lives and not have to worry about consequences. OK, let me try another example. When George Bush was President, the anti-war movement was in full swing and things got very ugly. Some on the right started to protest the tone of the demonstrations. Hillary Clinton famously said:”

“I’m sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we’re Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”

“The left trashed Bush and anyone who dared support him. But elect Barack Obama and suddenly exercising the ‘right to disagree’ prompts calls for renewed civility or are self-evident proof of racism. It’s a schism. Yet nobody seems to think there’s any problem.”

“Oh, come on, be fair,” he poked with a wry smile.

“OK. Remember when Bush’s deficits were going to bankrupt our grandchildren? But here and now Obama dwarfs Bush’s deficit numbers and it’s no big deal because it’s “investment.” Schism. Bush’s 5.7% unemployment was unacceptable and worthy of impeachment. Yet Obama’s 7.8% unemployment is a sign of an improving economy. Schism. Bush was a war criminal for illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. But Obama gets a free pass for continuing those wars while meanwhile Smart Diplomacy ignites Libya, Egypt, Syria, and the rest of the Middle East. Schism. Evil Guantanamo Bay HAD to be closed under Bush. But under Obama not so much. Schism. The same people telling me bans don’t work for drugs and abortion insist that a ban will work on firearms. Schism. The law for high-capacity magazines applies to me, but it doesn’t apply to David Gregory. Schism. Many of the people calling for gun bans to end violence are also calling for the shooting of NRA leaders and members. Schism.”

“OK, ok,” he laughed. “You sure let yourself get all lathered up, don’t you?”

“Heh, yea I suppose. But these bastards righteously lecture me about fairness. There’s only so much that good and reasonable people will take. I just can’t help feeling that we’re witnessing the beginning of the end. We’ve gone through the looking-glass and a rabbit just ran by muttering about being late. In the new reality, up is down and right is left. Now anything goes. Questions of right and wrong are no longer relevant. I used to poke at Obama making the comparison to Nero, fiddling as Rome burned. But now I realize that in the last days of Obama’s Rome, he isn’t playing alone. As he fiddles, a fifth of all Romans gladly join in and play along.”

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Guns, Shootings and Death to the NRA

In the aftermath of the Connecticut shootings there have been a disturbing number of people calling for shooting the NRA President, bringing his head in on a pike, and generally questioning why no one ever goes and shoots-up an NRA Meeting.

Beyond the irony of ever-civil gun-control advocates calling for the use of firearms to commit murder, there’s the additional irony of obtusely wondering why nobody has gunned down NRA members. That one pegs the stupid-O-meter.

So allow me to say what nobody seems willing to say out loud: If a murderous coward like Nadal Hassan, Jared Loughner, James Holmes, Adam Lanza or anyone else walked into a National Rifle Association gathering with a weapon, they wouldn’t get off a shot and they would likely lose their life. Not. Brain. Surgery.

At some point the left in this country is going to realize the problem is human capacity for violence; not guns, not knives, not drugs, not video games and not gun culture. Blaming guns for the actions of these criminally insane monsters isn’t just missing the point, it’s throwing out the baby with the bath water.


“Think deeper. Cultivate a respect for how to teach compassion, nonviolence and personal responsibility in individual minds.” –Psychiatrist James Knoll

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Yea, the results sucked.
Let’s buck up and deal with it.
Meanwhile, there’s football!

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